United Arts Appeal awards grants to five local organisations

Five local organizations received grants from the United Arts Appeal of Chautauqua CountyGrant program for projects of .

This year’s winners are:
Audubon Community Nature Center:“Community art project filled with wonder”
Falconer Public Library:”Unforgettable music”
Fredonia College: “Free Art Vending Machine”
Chautauqua County Mental Health Association: “Healing Art Exhibition”
Myers Memorial Library:”Art to Take Away”

In addition to providing operational support to six of the county’s largest arts organizations, UAA awards these annual grants for arts projects. To apply, organizations must have nonprofit status; individual artists must be Chautauqua County residents for at least one year; and can work in any artistic discipline.

After being screened for eligibility and requirements, applications are reviewed by an advisory committee of artists and community leaders. Their recommendations are then considered for approval by the United Arts Appeal Board of Directors.

United Arts Appeal organizations include: Chautauqua Regional Youth Ballet, Community Music Project, Fredonia Opera House Performing Arts Center 1891, Infinity Visual and Performing Arts, Lucille Ball Little Theatre of Jamestownand the Western New York Chamber Orchestra.

Contributions to support the United Arts Appeal of Chautauqua County can be made by sending a check to United Arts Appeal, PO Box 754, Jamestown, New York 14702. For more information, visit UnitedArtsAppeal.org.